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Plastic Roller

Plastic Roller

Plastic conveyor rollers are an economical way to provide resistance to corrosive environments and materials. At times, plastic rollers are superior to stainless steel rollers depending on the application. Plastic rollers are moisture resistant and used outdoors or indoors.

Plastic rollers are primarily used for lighter loads where the roller may see wet conditions or come in contact with caustic materials. Plastic conveyor rollers are often used in the food industry in an outdoor environment. Transporting food while harvesting in the field is a common application for plastic conveyor rollers.

When made with stainless steel axles and bearings, plastic conveyor rollers are a good solution for use in wet or wash down situations. Sealed bearings may be used for added protection. 

Plastic Roller
Plastic Roller



  • Plastic roller being one third the weight of its steel alternative, requires less energy on ‘start-up’ and during operation.

  • Additionally, in instances of roller failure, a plastic roller can significantly reduce belt damage and ‘down-time’ due to the absence of steel shrapnel from the seized roller.

  • Other benefits include reduced noise and improved operator safety.

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